Shlomo Ruschin received the B. Sc. degree in Physics and Mathematics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1969. He continued his graduate studies at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa where he specialized in the fields of Lasers and Quantum Optics. He received the M. Sc. degree in 1973 and the D. Sc. in 1977. During the period 1978-79 he completed Postdoctoral studies at Cornell University where he was involved in the research of laser diagnostics of molecules and bistability effects.
In 1980, S. Ruschin joined the Department of Physical Electronics at the Faculty of Engineering of Tel-Aviv University, where he presently is Professor of Electrical Engineering and is incumbent of the Chana and Heinrich Manderman Chair in Optoelectronics. His fields of research include Laser Physics and electro-optics, and he presently leads the Photonic Devices group at the University. The group is dedicated to various aspects of theory and practice of waveguided devices for optical communication and sensing. Other topics of his research interest are the shaping of coherent beams, and near-field optics. He published more than 150 articles in reviewed periodicals in subjects related to Electro-optics and lasers. During 1995-1999, Shlomo Ruschin acted as Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering-Physical Electronics at Tel-Aviv University.